Dirt Wurx USA - Worldwide Racetrack Design and Construction
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Dirt Wurx USA

Fresh Dirt

November 7, 2014

DIRT WURX USA helps out K-Dub’s “Party in the Pasture” to benefit Chris Blankenship

Kevin Windham hosts the star-studded event, featuring country & western performer Craig Morgan and a slew of pro MXers on the DIRT WURX track

CENTREVILLE, Miss., (Nov. 7, 2014) – DIRT WURX USA operator Bobby Childers has been down at Kevin Windham’s compound the past couple weeks, getting Windham’s MX and SX tracks ready for this weekend’s Party in the Pasture, which this year benefits fallen DIRT WURX USA employee Chris Blankenship...Read More-->




DIRTWURX USA's Chris Blankenship, 1976-2014

imageMONROE, N.Y. (Aug. 13, 2014) – With the untimely passing of Chris Blankenship, DIRT WURX USA founder Rich Winkler wanted to share his thoughts with the dirt bike industry during this incredibly tough time.

We lost the best of us today.

Late in the afternoon of August 12th, DIRT WURX USA team leader Chris Blankenship succumbed to injuries he sustained in a crash Sunday evening at the Washington County Fair motocross.

Chris was a husband, a father, a racer, a worker, a leader, a dreamer and a doer.

He loved his life, lived by a code, never shirked a task and met every situation with a smile.

I’ve spent countless hours with this man over the past years, working hard, imagining and creating, running our business, along with baring our souls to one another on long hauls over the road to the next event.

We probably know one another as well as we know anyone alive, and yet today I find I am at a loss as to what to say.

Chris was a man in full.

He was my friend.

I will miss him every day.


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August 6, 2014

DIRT WURX USA lends hand for country singer Craig Morgan's 8th annual Billy's Place Charity Event

DIRT WURX’s Chris Blankenship tunes and rides Morgan’s MX track with MX/SX superstar Kevin Windham & off-road legends Fred Andrews and Randy Hawkins

DICKSON, Tenn., (Aug. 6, 2014) – Former AMA pro motocrosser and top DIRT WURX USA operator Chris Blankenship led DIRT WURX’s annual ‘feel good’ trip to Dickson, Tenn., to put a best-in-the-business tune on country & western singer Craig Morgan’s MX track ...Read More-->


K'Dub, Chris, Craig, Randy Hawkins, & Fred Andrews

July 17, 2014

DIRT WURX USA puts the blade to an epic reconstruct of Maryland’s Landing MX

The longtime track, recently purchased by Allen Bryan, receives a complete redesign and construct during DIRT WURX’s summer MX track tour

MONROE, N.Y. (July 17, 2014) – When Allen Bryan recently purchased the Landing MX track in Easton, Md., he was pretty much set on tuning the place up himself and re-opening the longtime track to the motocross-hungry eastern seaboard racers....Read More-->



June 11, 2014

DIRT WURX USA writes yet another chapter in its storied supercross history book

Another banner year on the 17-round Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship tour for the all-star DIRT WURX USA crew

MONROE, N.Y. (June 11, 2014) – With summer underway, memories of the bright lights and packed stadiums, tight racing and yet another thrilling season of Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, slowly yield to the far off din of four stroke motors thumping about on the outdoor tracks across the United States....Read More-->



March 1p, 2014

DIRT WURX USA crews cap off a triumphant UK Arenacross season

All-star DIRT WURX USA crews team with promoter Events 22 in ramping up the UK Arenacross series to new heights for 2014

MONROE, N.Y. (March 1, 2014) – News out of DIRT WURX USA headquarters today says all signs point towards another successful season of track construction for Garmin-sponsored UK Arenacross as the seven-round series drew to a conclusion this weekend at London’s Wembley Arena.. Read More-->



January 16, 2014

2014 Monster Energy Supercross season's underway with DIRT WURX USA

First two races of Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, showcase some of the more technical DIRT WURX USA tracks yet.

MONROE, N.Y. (Jan. 16, 2014) – With the first two rounds of Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship in the books, DIRT WURX USA – designers and constructors of the world’s most visible supercross tracks – is pleased to see how the drawings done over the summer has come to fruition with some great racing thus far, including multiple winners and a number of surprises in the top ten... Read More-->



October 17, 2013

Creativity abounds as DIRT WURX USA's tabbed to build another Monster Cup Track

World’s premier stadium supercross track design and construction company teams with Feld Motor Sports® and Ricky Carmichael for this weekend’s Monster Cup

MONROE, N.Y. (Oct. 17, 2013) – With and empty drawing board and lack of constraints that always go hand-in-hand with organized stadium dirt bike racing, DIRT WURX USA is in Las Vegas this week to construct the avant-guard Monster Energy Cup at the legendary dirt bike venue Sam Boyd Stadium...... Read More-->



October 11, 2013

DIRT WURX USA teams with Florida's East Bay Supercross on a real-deal public supercross track

Challenging yet friendly, DIRT WURX USA’s effort on East Bay’s supercross track in Tampa is already drawing rave reviews – including props from Tim Ferry!

MONROE, N.Y. (Oct. 11, 2013) – When Michael and Michele Parisi set out to develop a motocross and supercross facility in Florida’s Hillsborough County they had two things in mind … 1.) To create a facility that features a first-rate track for its members, showcasing the moniker Built by riders, for riders. And 2.) Establish a family atmosphere that’s fun and exciting for everyone.So when the Parisis decided to add a supercross element to their three-year-old facility just outside Tampa, the first – and only - call went out to DIRT WURX USA....Read More -->


October 8, 2013

DIRT WURX USA returns to country singer CRAIG Morgan's 7th annual Charity Weekend

DIRT WURX USA’s Kory Christensen & Chris Blankenship tune up the MX track for Craig Morgan Charity Fund benefitting Billy’s Place

MONROE, N.Y. (Oct. 8, 2013) – DIRT WUX USA’s top operators Kory Christensen and Chris Blankenship rolled back down to Tennessee to country and western singer Craig Morgan’s 7th annual Charity Motocross Ride, concert and Sporting Clay Shoot to benefit “Billy’s Place,” a welcoming home founded by Morgan to assist temporarily displaced children....... Read More-->


Craig Morgan Charity Ride

June 24, 2013

‘Dilla MX Rewind! DIRT WURX USA’s Rich Winkler & friends revel amongst the bikes of yesteryear

A virtual bonanza for motocross racers, fans and historians of all ages – Unadilla plays host to some of the sport’s legends and the machines they created & raced

MONROE, N.Y. (June 24, 2013) - It'd have taken a cutting torch, pry bar and a couple longshoremen to get the smiles off the faces of the guys attending Unadilla's recent "MX Rewind" event. And DIRT WURX USA's Rich Winkler was right in the middle of it, racing and showing off some of the vintage motocross and mini bikes he's collected over the years....... Read More-->


Wink & El Gato Unadilla MX Rewind

May 24, 2013

SRFMX83 facility in New Jersey

Ryan Foley of Foley CAT has DIRT WURX USA re-design the Stone Rows Farm track – including running it backwards – to feature both SX and GP-style MX

MONROE, N.Y. (May 24, 2013) – DIRT WURX USA traveled to an undisclosed location in New Jersey this weekend to tune-up and re-create another spectacular motocross track on the Stone Rows Farms grounds, aka SRFMX83, the private track of Foley CAT’s Ryan Foley built for he and his closest MX-loving buddies...... Read More-->


March 15, 2013

Caterpillar Inc. rolls out the red carpet for DIRT WURX USA @ CAT's Peoria, Ill. Headquarters

The heavy equipment operating wizards that create the world’s premier SX/MX tracks get the deluxe tour @ CAT – supplier to Monster Energy Supercross

MONROE, N.Y. (March 15, 2013) – Though its equipment is used in a wide range of construction – and destruction – projects around the globe, quite literally one of the more creative uses of the industry-leading Caterpillar Inc. (CAT) bulldozers and loaders comes with the DIRT WURX USA crew at the controls.

Crafting loosely piled soil into a roller coaster for dirt bikes is an art in and of itself. With stadium-based supercross tracks in particular, they’ve become so intricate and technical in recent years that, when complete....... Read More-->


January 31, 2013

RacerXonline: Dirt Wurx's Rich Winkler

Rich Winkler founded Dirt Wurx U.S.A. in 1990 and has been designing and building tracks ever since. A former professional rider himself, Winkler has turned Dirt Wurx into a renowned track building company that is the exclusive racetrack design and construction firm for Feld Motor Sports—which includes Monster Energy Supercross. Racer X caught up with Winkler earlier this week to talk about safety, design, Oakland and much more....... Read More-->


January 24, 2013

Transforming O.Co Coliseum for Monster Energy AMA Supercross

Check out this mainstream media story with DIRT WURX USA by KTVU’s Evan Borders on the move-in and initial track construction phases of this weekend’s O.Co Coliseum (Oakland, Calif.) Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship event. Weather should be excellent for Saturday’s race, 61-degrees and partly sunny...... Read More-->


January 9, 2013

Another successful Anaheim 1's in the books for DIRT WURX USA ... next up: Phoenix SX

DIRT WURX USA designs and constructs a gem of a track the A1 opener, leading to one of the better opening round main events that anyone can remember

MONROE, N.Y. (Jan. 9, 2013) - “We’re rollin’ in high gear here,” says DIRT WURX USA’s Rich Winkler, overseeing the first loads of dirt unloaded on the Phoenix Chase Field for this Saturday’s round two of Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship......Read More -->


November 2, 2012

DIRT WURX USA caps the '12 competition SX season @ Vegas' Monster Energy Cup

Another highly successful Monster Energy Cup event by Feld Motor Sports is highlighted by the year’s most innovative track build by DIRT WURX USA

MONROE, N.Y. (Nov. 2, 2012) – A dual start. A Joker Lane. A never-before-seen Talladega Turn that goes into the stands. Plus a stunning array of jumps, bumps and berms that made for one heck of a night of racing in Vegas’ Sam Boyd Stadium.....Read More -->


October 16, 2012

DIRT WURX USA's brings the Monster to Life! Vegas' Monster Energy Cup, Oct. 20

New features – including two split 11-man starting gates – make this Monster Energy Cup race one of the more uniquely thrilling SX track designs ever built!

MONROE, N.Y. (Oct. 16, 2012) – The gate – make that “gates” – are about to drop on, by far, the most unique supercross track ever dreamt up by Feld Motor Sports® and constructed by DIRT WURX USA.

The $1,000,000 Monster Energy Cup, putting the exclamation point on the 2012 professional supercross and motocross racing seasons in the USA...Read More -->


October 2, 2012

DIRT WURX USA digs Kevin Windham's practice track up out of the wilderness

Giant weeds choke off K-dub’s practice track … DIRT WURX USA crew puts the blades to ‘er and – Voila! – Windham’s in business for Monster Energy Cup!

MONROE, N.Y. (Oct. 2, 2012) – Overrun by giant weeds and wild grasses, Kevin Windham’s practice track looked more like an award-winning salad garden than a motocross track. That said, K-dub hit Rich Winkler @ DIRT WURX USA headquarters on the speed dial and within 24 hours DW’s top gun operators Chris Blankenship and Kory Christensen were on site to unearth....Read More -->


October 3, 2012

DIRT WURX USA steps out of the stadium to build test tracks for Jaguar automobile

No whoops, triples or technical rhythm sections, but for the $90K not-yet-released Jaguar XJ 3.0 All-Wheel Drive the DIRT WURX USA obstacles are a good test

MONROE, N.Y. (Oct. 3, 2012) – Called upon to use their expertise in dirt construction, the team at DIRT WURX USA has spent the past week building custom ride-and-drive test courses from Boston to Chicago for the new Jaguar XJ 3.0 All-Wheel Drive program.
The DIRT WURX USA crew, headed by veteran operator Kory Christensen ....Read More -->


August 21, 2012

DIRT WURX USA builds the MX track for country singer Craig Morgan's 6th annual Charity Weekend

DIRT WURX USA dispatches a crew for the annual charity motocross ride, concert & sporting clay shoot for the Craig Morgan Charity Fund

MONROE, N.Y. (Aug. 21, 2012) – DIRT WUX USA’s ace operators Chris Blankenship and Kory Christensen boarded the DW USA mobile supercross rig and headed down to Tennessee ....Read More -->


July 17, 2012

DIRT WURX USA, Feld Motor Sports® and Ricky Carmichael finalize Vegas’ Monster Energy Cup track

One last meeting at Sam Boyd Stadium insures that the upcoming 2012 Monster Energy Cup track will be the best one yet according to DIRT WURX’ Rich Winkler

MONROE, N.Y. (July 17, 2012) – Flying into Las Vegas from various points on the States’ map, the DIRT WURX USA crew – led by Rich Winkler – met with Feld Motor Sports® to put the final touches on the track design work for the upcoming (Oct. 20th) Monster Energy Cup at Las Vegas’ Sam Boyd Stadium.

“The planning meeting site visit on the playing field of Sam Boyd Stadium was a culmination of several previous meetings with RC and Feld, going over one last time – in detail – ....Read More -->


June 12, 2012

DIRT WURX USA and the SRFMX83 crew combine on another track build/wild New Jersey weekend!

Compound owner Ryan Foley of Foley CAT fame calls on the DIRT WURX USA team to up the ante on the previous tracks they’ve built @ Stone Rows Farm

MONROE, N.Y. (June 12, 2012) – It’s become a rite of summer in a sense, the closing of the Monster Energy Supercross season now trends right into a weekend of dirt bikes, terrific laughs and global bench racing that transcends the motocross and snowboard industries.....Read More -->


May 24, 2012

DIRT WURX USA caps off a spectacular Monster SX season with a banger track for the sold out Vegas race

Season winds down and the racing, which could have fizzled, was better than expected as DIRT WURX USA operates hard to finish the final four tracks
MONROE, N.Y. (May 24, 2012) – Though Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship’s title chase ended early – courtesy of Monster/Kawasaki’s Ryan Villopoto – a new group of podium contenders stepped up their game and the racing stayed interesting.....Read More -->


April 22, 2012

Windham helps DIRT WURX USA with New Orleans track, Wink & crew then haul ass to finish Seattle

Perpetually rainy Seattle presents same issues every year for DIRT WURX USA, but the crew rallies and bangs out a track, then covers it as the rains arrive

MONROE, N.Y. (April 22, 2012) – You gotta love Kevin Windham. Unfortunately banged up prior to his hometown race at New Orleans’ Superdome, Windham gets to talking with Rich Winkler and the DIRT WURX USA crew and decides since he’s on the sidelines he might as well help out building the track....Read More -->


March 23, 2012

The wicked is rested! DIRT WURX USA returns to action w/ sold out Indy Monster SX track

After a weekend off following the Daytona SX round, DIRT WURX USA crew cranks out a gem in America’s heartland – Indy’s Lucas Oil Stadium

MONROE, N.Y. (March 23, 2012) – After barnstorming nine of the USA’s premier sports stadiums – from California to Arizona to Texas, Georgia and Missouri, the team at DIRT WURX USA pulled it into the shop recently for a much-needed break … having constructed (and de-constructed) nine premier Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, tracks in nine straight weeks....Read More -->


Feb. 28, 2012

Monster Energy Supercross' track-building guru, DIRT WURX USA's Rich Winkler

They crawl around on big yellow pieces of heavy equipment, turning a pile of dirt into stadium motocross (‘supercross’) track … here’s a look at how it’s done

ANAHEIM, Calif. (Feb. 28, 2012) – The dirt tracks on the stadium floors across the country on the Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, are a small miracle occurring 16 weekends during the first quarter. And the company behind them, DIRT WURX USA, has the process down to such an interesting science that we thought MonsterEnergy.com fans might get a kick reading about what goes down with the design, preparation, dirt move-in, construction and move-out of a Monster Energy Supercross track....Read More -->


Feb. 8, 2012

DIRT WURX USA soldiers on @ Anaheim 2 despite not having its "Big Toe"

Sgt. Winkler sits out the second Monster Energy SX installment at Angels Stadium, but says his core crew didn’t miss a beat in building the optimal track for A2

MONROE, N.Y. (Feb. 8, 2012) – Two weeks ago at the Oakland round of 2012 Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, the blueprints were rolled out at the DIRT WURX USA mobile command unit – Topic: Anaheim 2....Read More -->


Feb. 3, 2012

Despite foul weather DIRT WURX USA gets two Monster SX tracks built in LA and Oakland

Wild, Wild West Coast weather does its best to thwart the efforts of DIRT WURX & Feld Motor Sports, but the veterans out-fox Mother Nature & the races go on!

MONROE, N.Y. (Feb. 3, 2012) – While winter on the West Coast can, and for the most part this year has been ideal, there’s no telling when it’ll rear back and lash out with some foul, foul wet weather...Read More -->


January 19, 2012

Round 2 of Monster Energy SX's in the books, DIRT WURX builds another gem @ Phoenix

DIRT WURX USA track plays to a packed house at Phoenix’s Chase Field; Winkler’s super pumped for Dungey & DeCoster’s big win for KTM

MONROE, N.Y. (Jan. 19, 2012) – Charging hard from southern California to the desert of Arizona, DIRT WURX USA cranked out another stellar track for Monster Energy AMA Supercross, and FIM World ...Read More -->


January 11, 2012

Anaheim 1's in the books as DIRT WURX USA opens the 2012 Monster Energy SX season
DIRT WURX USA designed & constructed A1 hybrid SX/MX track suits defending champ Villopoto perfectly – puts on a clinic for the world’s best MXers

MONROE, N.Y. (Jan. 11, 2012) – Though this past weekend’s DIRT WURX USA track build at Anaheim’s (Calif.) Angels Stadium was as much controversial as it was traditional – garnering mixed reviews from the racers and fans alike – the end result, according to company president Rich Winkler, was that the rider who should have won the opening round of Monster Energy Supercross, an FIM World Championship, did win. . . . Read More -->


December 1, 2011

Kevin Windham calls, DIRT WURX USA arrives and builds him a mega SX track!
An O.G. ’09 San Diego SX track design at K-Dud’s dad’s house is morphed into a 14-lane monster track featuring sections from several 2012 SX tracks

MONROE, N.Y. (Dec. 1, 2011) – For the DIRT WURX USA crew – and anybody else for that matter – it’s always an adventure when you make the trek down to Centreville, Miss., to Kevin Windham’s house.

What started out as a simple re-boot on K-Dub’s supercross track turned into several days of partying and, lo and behold, 14 brand new lanes copying a multitude of 2012 DIRT WURX USA . . . Read More -->


November 18, 2011

DIRT WURX USA re-designs & builds Hungary's Komlo Dirt Park to FIM GP specs

Picturesque Hungarian motocross track gets a DIRT WURX USA facelift, re-tooled/directed and 20 seconds added to the lap time for FIM standards

MONROE, N.Y. (Nov. 18, 2011) – This past week the crew at DIRT WURX USA made the trip over to Hungary’s Komlo Dirt Park – a track DIRT WURX USA first designed and built back in 2009. The goal this time was to re-design the track in accordance with FIM MXGP lap times, bringing a pro-level spin around Komlo Dirt Park’s GP track up from 1:48 to 2:10. Read More -->



November 1, 2011

DIRT WURX USA builds British SX Championship opener track @ Sheffield

A dry fall season in the region gives DIRT WURX USA the perfect soil in order to construct a winning track for the British SX Championships opener

MONROE, N.Y. (Oct. 31, 2011) – With ideal dry dirt and an enthusiastic Future West Promotions team behind the event, DIRT WURX USA Read More -->

October 11, 2011


September 28, 2011

DIRT WURX Sheffield Supercross Track Design 2011



August 23, 2011

DIRT WURX USA backs the AHRMA Vintage Motocross National, Sept. 24-25

DIRT WURX USA’s on board with E-Z Jim’s Team Bull (Bultaco) for the inaugural vintage & post-vintage race @ Mudville USA in Bourbon, Mo.

MONROE, N.Y. (Aug. 23, 2011) – The inaugural AHRMA Vintage Motocross National set for Sept. 24-25 at Bourbon, Mo.’s Mudville USA, will have a decided DIRT WURX USA flare to it as the New York-based premier motocross and supercross track design and construction company announced it is on board with E-Z Jim’s Team Bull (Bultaco) event next month.

With vintage bikes ranging from pre-1974 to motocrossers from the later 1970s to early 80s, fans of the sport’s classics will get two full days of racing action for just ten bucks a day (kids ten and under are free). “Vintage motocross is close to my heart, so getting involved with E-Z Jim’s Team Bull and the AHRMA Vintage Motocross Nationals was an easy decision,” said Rich Winkler, . . . Read More -->


August 5, 2011

Wait until you see the track DIRT WURX USA's building for the Monster Energy Cup!

The hybrid SX/MX track combines all-time supercross great & BMXer McGrath’s vision with all-time winning MXer Carmichael’s input

MONROE, N.Y. (Aug. 5, 2011) – Never before in the history of stadium motocross has a track design morphed into something this crazy.

“I can’t believe some of the things they’re coming to us with,” said DIRT WURX USA’s Rich Winkler on the Oct. 15th Monster Energy Cup at Las Vegas’ Sam Boyd Stadium.

For starters – literally – all-time Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, wins leader Jeremy “Showtime” McGrath has tapped back into his BMX roots for a massive, elevated drop-in start – Read More -->


July 14, 2011

DIRT WURX USA is back at 'Jersey's top serect SRFMX83 track for a complete rebuild

The year 4th DIRT WURX USA has cut into the New Jersey property of Ryan Foley to create/recreate a new motocross experience for the lucky locals

MONROE, N.Y. (July 14, 2011) – The epic New Jersey ‘insider’ motocross track dubbed SRFMX83 received a major redo here recently courtesy of the DIRT WURX USA crew, expanding the existing terrain to feature a combination of GP-style wide open areas and technical options that suit both the beginner and advanced racer - all while maintaining a consistent flow throughout the two-minute-plus lap. Read More -->


June 2011

Sky High MX, a DIRT WURX USA-designed track in Missouri, hosts first public event

DIRT WURX USA staff on hand to provide registration, scoring and pro track prep for nearly 200 racers @ Larry Hull’s showpiece track

MONROE, N.Y. (June, 2011) – Another great DIRT WURX USA-designed & built amateur motocross track is now open for business. Missouri’s Sky High MX, located in

Old Appleton, had its first open public practice and race meet this past weekend, gating nearly 200 racers on the 300 acre former soy bean farm. Read More -->


June 16, 2011

DIRT WURX USA shifts into private MX track construction mode, banks out a gem in New York

Exclusive track in upstate New York has the look and feel of a classic MXGP track from the 1970s w/ all sorts of options

Photo: Rich Winkler cell

MONROE, N.Y. (June 15, 2011) – When you’ve got a company that can turn a flat, concrete stadium floor into the premier dirt bike battleground in the world, imagine what they can do when you give them 60 acres , Read More -->


May 6, 2011

Dirt Wurx USA constructs one more epic Monster Energy SX track for the unbelievable ’11 season

Las Vegas’ Sam Boyd Stadium is sold out in advance for this Saturday night’s championship crowning action!

Photo: Rich Winkler cell

MONROE, N.Y. (May 6, 2011) – Rich Winkler’s been around supercross since Mike Goodwin was writing checks. And heading into this weekend’s 2011 Monster Energy AMA Supercross, Read More -->


April 29, 2011

Rain, sleet & snow can't stop Dirt Wurx USA either as Wink & crew go Postal getting SL done

Rice-Eccles Stadium track’s done, covered as forecasts call for two inches of snow tonight – Saturday looks to be good race weather

Photo: Rich Winkler’s cell phone, w/ 300mm 2.8 lens bolted on

MONROE, N.Y. (April 29, 2011) – In a whirlwind display of heavy equipment wizardry and unsurpassed stadium dirt show knowhow – Read More -->

April 16, 2011

Batten down the hatches! DIRT WURX USA crew builds the Seattle SX track before the rains hit

Dirt’s trucked into Qwest Field on Mon. & Tues., track’s built in an amazing 15 hours – covered – and dry for Saturday’s racing

Photo: Kevin Windham pulling the holeshot at the 2010 Seattle SX, courtesy of Frank Hopppen & Feld Motor Sports

MONROE, N.Y. (April 16, 2011) – What’s been a relatively quiet season for weather Read More -->

February 24, 2011

No rest for the wicked as DIRT WURX USA crew’s back in SX action after big global weekend

Busting out supercross tracks in a rainy southern California and London, DIRT WURX USA keeps the momentum going on both sides of the Atlantic

MONROE, N.Y. (Feb. 24, 2011) – With heavy rain immanent, members of the DIRT WURX USA crew knocked out the San Diego supercross track at Qualcomm Stadium in record time – getting it covered and race-ready for this past Read More -->

February 24, 2011

Feld Motor Sports’ Jim Holley catches up with DIRT WURX USA’s Korey Christensen on the San Diego SX track build at Qualcomm Stadium.

Click here for the video.


February 14, 2011

Houston SX is in the books, DIRT WURX USA moves on to San Diego … could be a mudder!

Great racing with plenty of passing highlights the Reliant Stadium event as SX racers bring the 45,859 to their feet in both the Lites & SX main events

MONROE, N.Y. (Feb. 14, 2011) – The city of Houston’s still buzzing after this past Saturday’s Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship, main events on the DIRT WURX USA-built Reliant Stadium track. New winners ... Read More -->


February 11, 2011

DIRT WURX USA'sgets it done on both sides of the pond, Monster SX in LA & UK SX in London

DIRT WURX splits its crews and bangs out the season’s “busiest” track yet at Anaheim, according to Winkler … London’s O2 Arena nearly sells out

MONROE, N.Y. (Feb. 11, 2011) – With a sellout crowd at Anaheim’s (Calif.) Angels Stadium and near sellout at London’s O2 Arena, supercross racing popularity is at an all-time high. And providing the battleground for the combatants... Read More -->

January 30, 2011

DIRT WURX USA's building the first SX track at Oakland Stadium since 'back in the day'

Oakland-Alameda County Stadium, home of the Raiders & Athletics, hosts Monster Energy Supercross for the first time since Ron Lechien won in ‘84

MONROE, N.Y. (Jan. 30, 2011) – Dressed like something out of Mad Max, the rabid NFL Raiders fans that inhabit the north end zone – dubbed the “Black Hole” – of Oakland-Alameda County (Calif.) Stadium would probably look out at all the dirt and heavy equipment carnage thrashing on their beloved field and go “Cool.” Read More -->

January 28, 2011


January 24, 2011

DIRT WURX USA completes successful build of the first-ever SX track in LA’s Dodger Stadium

Third-oldest baseball stadium in U.S.A. trusts DIRT WURX USA & Feld Motor Sports on its hallowed grounds for the very first dirt event in 48 years

MONROE, N.Y. (Jan. 24, 2011) – It’s one thing to bang out a supercross track at a fairground or on somebody’s back 40. But to be invited to construct a track on the hallowed ball field of LA’s beloved Dodgers – at the historic Dodger Stadium – is quite the honor … and one the caretakers  Read More -->


January 4, 2011

DIRT WURX USA is at Anaheim's (Calif.) Angel Stadium to begin the 2011 Monster SX season

Blade-to-dirt begins Tuesday as DIRT WURX USA looks to carve out another impressive series of tracks for the world’s top SX racers

Anaheim Angel Stadium photo courtesy of Frank Hoppen www.hoppenworld.com

MONROE, N.Y. (Jan. 4, 2011) –  Cutting through the mud and dealing with epic rain storms like no other company in the world can in order to build a pro-class stadium supercross track,....  Read More -->

December 29, 2010

Supercross great Kevin Windham receives a new SX practice track courtesy of DIRT WURX USA!

DIRT WURX pulls a complete re-build on Windham's Mississippi property, incorporating numerous DW features from the USA's stadium SX series

MONROE, N.Y. (Dec. 29, 2010) – When you compete on the world’s premier stadium motocross stage – Monster Energy AMA Supercross, an FIM World Championship – it pays to have the guys that design and construct the tracks week in and week out build your supercross practice track.

Kevin Windham sure knows that - has for some time - and recently had the DIRT WURX USA ...

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November 22, 2010

A big "High Five" from the DIRT WURX USA crew to champion ATV racer Levi Coen!

DIRT WURX’s chief operator Norm Bickley’s son, Levi, was recently crowned the 2010 GNCC Youth ATV overall National Champion

MONROE, N.Y. (Nov. 22, 2010) – A quick break from hunting camp in order to give a shout out to DIRT WURX USA’s chief operator, Norm Bickley, and his son Levi Coen - who just teamed up on the 2010 GNCC Youth ATV 12-15 overall National Championship No. 1 plate.

  Read More -->


November 12, 2010

DIRT WURX USA cranks out its best track ever?

Winkler and the boyz tee up a masterpiece in Larry Hull’s rolling Missouri soy field … “Could be the best amateur track we ever built,” says Winkler

MONROE, N.Y. (Nov. 11, 2010) – Take a 300 acre Missouri soy bean farm, some serious heavy equipment (courtesy of Fabic Cat), a property owner with a vision of having the region’s top motocross facility and a team of premier track builders from DIRT WURX USA and you’ve got the ingredients for a downright MX masterpiece!    Read More -->

Brand new Caterpillar D-3

For Sale

DIRT WURX U.S.A. is the exclusive racetrack design and construction firm for Feld Motorsports. This long-term contract means DIRT WURX U.S.A. designs and builds every course on the Monster Energy AMA Supercross Series, an FIM World Championship.

Over the years DIRT WURX U.S.A. has demonstrated the ability to design and construct race courses that are safe but challenging to riders ranging in skill from local sportsman to world class professionals, while at the same time being exciting and spectacular to the paying fans.

This depth of experience and work history has allowed us to grow to a point where DIRT WURX U.S.A. is now the premier racetrack design and construction team in the world.

DIRT WURX U.S.A. also designs and builds many racetracks for events that are outside the limelight. We have designed and constructed many courses for arenas, fairgrounds, public riding parks, outdoor Motocross facilities, and courses for private individuals who want the very best.

High Maintenance-at Toronto
High Maintenance at Toronto

Toronto is always a Mudder
Toronto is always a Mudder

Toronto is always a Mudder
Stormin Norman


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